What Hello, Love Goodbye taught me

It takes so much love to allow someone to grow even if it means being apart from you. It takes a brave heart to release someone whom you have caged with your future plans. It takes trust to understand that more than being your other half, she is also an individual who has her own dreams to chase. You may think she’s too selfish to refuse the ambitions you have laid out for her, but no she’s doing this not for herself but also for you. She exists not for the sole purpose of finding someone to achieve stability. She exists because she has her own map to follow. She may choose a path that deviates from your expectations but it doesn’t mean she’ll forever wander and reach for a destination far from yours. She wouldn’t want to spend the rest of her life wondering what could’ve happened if she fulfilled her aspirations first.

Love nurtures. It doesn’t restrict a person from realizing her potentials. She allowed you to be a part of her life not to complete a missing part of her but to add something to her already whole self. She said yes not because she needed someone to boost her feeling of being wanted but to share the brimming love that’s inside her. She chose you to be a part of her life not because she wanted someone to compensate for what she lacks but because she decided to share a part of her unconditionally. So don’t ever rush a person to jump into your boat. She has her own sea to navigate. She has her own dreams to chase and her own star to follow. Love makes someone courageous.
Love will constantly shower the relationship with trust.

Love can withstand the test of time and distance. So trust her when she says she needs a chance to achieve her goals before finally coming back to you. When she returns, she’ll be the same person you have loved only that she’s much happier that it’ll radiate and touch the core of your relationship.
